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Who is updatED design?

updatED design operates under the Anastasis Foundation for Innovative Learning.  Our passion is providing learners with opportunities for innovation, creative problem solving, collaboration and excellent design.

The Anastasis Foundation for Innovative Learning exists to spread innovative learning. Inspiring learners to imagine, believe, achieve and create. Through updatED design, we are able to connect teachers and learners with the materials to create and innovate.


At updatED design, teachers find free or low-cost supplies that they can use as inspirational design for their classroom, and schools can outfit their prototype labs with creative materials.  Money collected by the Anastasis Foundation for Innovative Learning goes to further education through student scholarships, professional development, classroom materials and customized curriculum.  



updatED design supports the community by upcycling store materials into learning opportunities and introducing beautiful design into schools.


We save teachers money!  We offer donated materials to teachers at LOW costs.  Teachers are notorious for spending their own money on classrooms; this can be hundreds of dollars every year. Our goal is to connect teachers with incredible supplies and design at an enormous savings.


Teachers- visit here often for inspiration for your own classroom, prototype lab, and learning opportunities.  Follow us on Twitter and Facebook for daily inspiration.  Share your student creations and classroom design with us!


The Anastasis Foundation for Innovative Learning was started by Matthew Anderson and Kelly Tenkely as a supportive entity for the type of learning that occurs at Anastasis Academy.  Together, these teachers created a school model that honors learners in their humanity and seeks to transform the learning environment for children everywhere! 


Learn more about Anastasis Academy here.

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